Betekenis van:
flood in

to flood in
  • in grote aantallen binnenkomen
  • arrive in great numbers


to flood in
  • naar binnen stromen
  • arrive in great numbers




  1. Many animals were drowned in the flood.
  2. The flood caused a disaster in their community.
  3. The flood victims were housed in several schools.
  4. Hundreds of fields were submerged in the flood.
  5. The story of a great flood is very common in world mythology.
  6. Both parties shall be released from their respective obligations in the event of national emergency, war or prohibitive governmental regulations, civil commotion, epidemic, fire, flood, industrial action, failure of payment systems, default of suppliers or subcontractors or damage to any computer or telecommunications systems or if any other cause beyond the control of the parties shall render performance of this agreement impossible.
  7. Flood each slide with 0,3 % Sudan Black B solution in 70 % ethanol and incubate for 10 minutes at ambient temperature.
  8. Due to a change in the market situation and other conditions (including a flood and the general economic situation in Germany), the June 2002 business plan had to be updated in September 2002 and the financial model revised.
  9. The model in way of the assumed damages must be as thin as practically possible to ensure that the amount of flood water and its centre of gravity is adequately represented.
  10. If the current measures were allowed to lapse, there is a real threat that a significant proportion of unused production capacity in the PRC would be used to flood the Community market with furfuraldehyde.
  11. Even if PRC would be able to take over the import share in the US of the other third countries, the spare capacities in the PRC would still remain sufficient to flood the Community market with low price SiC should measures be repealed.
  12. It is assumed that the ventilators of the damage compartment of the actual ship are adequate for unhindered flooding and movement of the flood water. However in trying to scale down the ventilating arrangements of the actual ship undesirable scale effects may be introduced in the model.
  13. If the current measures were allowed to lapse, there is a real threat that a significant proportion of unused production capacity in the PRC would be used to flood the Community market with furfuraldehyde. It appears that there are no other markets available to absorb the Chinese capacity.
  14. Actions may include: protection and management of river basins, coastal zones, marine resources, water services and wetlands; fire, drought and flood prevention; the promotion of maritime security and protection against natural and technological risks; and protection and enhancement of the natural heritage in support of socio-economic development and sustainable tourism;
  15. As a result of the abandonment of mining activities, minewater would flood the mines. Owing to the structure of the ground and various currents it is, in many cases, not clear which mine is responsible for such water, which could endanger the environment and has to be kept under control.